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NHS Mortgage

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NHS Mortgage

If you’re in the market to buy or if you’re looking to remortgage and you work for the NHS, you may be wondering about the options available in terms of mortgages for NHS staff.

In this article, we’ll take a look at what to consider.

NHS Mortgage - Topics

What is an NHS Mortgage?

Firstly, an NHS mortgage, sometimes referred to as a Blue Light mortgage, isn’t a specific mortgage product.

Instead, this usually refers to different criteria that some lenders may offer to NHS professionals.

Benefits of an NHS Mortgage

Some lenders may lend preferential interest rates to Key Workers, allowing you to take advantage of lower monthly payments.

To add to this, some NHS professionals may be eligible for an enhanced level of lending too.

Struggles with getting a mortgage as an NHS professional

The NHS offer different types of employment, some of which may be more complex for lenders to assess than others.

This can range from fixed term contractors, which we find is common with trainee Doctors, to zero hours contracts.

Different lenders will have their different criteria for each employment type, meaning they’ll assess your income in different ways.

This is where working with an experienced mortgage broker can really help.

Speak to an expert!

At Rosehill, we take pride in building long-term relationships with our clients. We don’t see ourselves as just a mortgage broker, but rather a trusted partner who will be with you every step of the way.

Expert mortgage adviser, Sam Ewen
Expert mortgage adviser, Sam Ewen

Speak to an expert!

At Rosehill, we take pride in building long-term relationships with our clients. We don’t see ourselves as just a mortgage broker, but rather a trusted partner who will be with you every step of the way.

How much can I borrow for an NHS mortgage?

As always, we’d always recommend that you speak with a mortgage broker in greater detail to find out a more accurate indication of borrowing power.

As a rough guidance, taking your salary and multiplying this by 4.5 will give you an indication of borrowing. 

This is assuming no debts, dependents or adverse credit.

If you’re buying with someone, you can add all income together and then apply the multiple.

That being said, as an NHS professional, you may even be eligible for up to 6x income.

Do NHS staff get mortgage discounts?

Not exactly.

However, you may find that some housing developers may offer discounts and/or deposit contributions.

There’s also the First Homes Scheme, where you may be able buy a home for 30% to 50% less than its market value as a first time buyer. 

This isn’t exclusive to NHS staff, however some councils may prioritise key workers.

Aside from this, there are other non-exclusive schemes you can consider, such as shared ownership or Right to Buy.

How to Apply for an NHS Mortgage

Speak with a mortgage broker you trust to work out how much you can borrow and how much this will cost each month. 

We’d love to help with this!

Once you know how much you can borrow, the next step would be arranging an agreement in principle and finding a property you love. 

From there, your mortgage broker can handle the application process.

How Rosehill can help

Your selflessness does not go unnoticed.

At Rosehill, we are forever grateful for all of your hard work, so much so that we have introduced our NHS Support.

We now have a heavily reduced fee for NHS workers to show our appreciation, and we offer live Q&As for NHS staff.

Click here to find out more.

Our Remortgage Promise!

We focus on building long-lasting relationships with clients. 

We therefore charge a reduced fee for our existing client remortgages.

Click here for more detail.

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