020 3909 1525

020 3909 1525

A home for self-employed mortgages.

We help business owners & the self-employed secure their first homes & forever homes!

Get in touch

As low as 5% deposit

First/Latest Year's Accounts

Potentially Borrow More with Company Profits

Why Rosehill?

Why Rosehill?

What we do

First Time Buyers

Getting a self-employed mortgage as a first time buyer can be daunting at the best of times.  Our aim is to get you moved into your first home in the most stress-free way as possible.

Moving House

Looking to move home?  Want to know your options? If you were self-employed when you bought previously, you’re probably already aware of the hassle involved in the mortgage process.  Let us take the hassle out of the process!


Never pay more than you have to!  Is your existing mortgage rate coming to an end? Are you looking for a lower rate? Let us help make your remortgage a stress free process.

Buy to Let

Looking to invest in your future? Want to add to your portfolio? Whether you’re looking to arrange a limited company buy to let or standard buy to let, we’re here to help!


Like most insurances, protection should be discussed & arranged proactively rather than reactively. The younger & healthier you are, the cheaper insurance will be!

Buildings & Contents

Protection for your home & the contents in it!  Alongside your mortgage we’ll help ensure you have sufficient cover in place to give you peace of mind.

What our clients say

What our clients say

What our clients say

Our process



We will have an initial chat about your current situation & your plans, which will typically take 15-30 minutes.



We’ll assess all documents & affordability, then discuss your objectives & options for your self employed mortgage, protection & general insurance.



We’ll research the market & make our recommendations for the most suitable mortgage, protection & general insurance to fit your objectives & budget



We’ll arrange your mortgage and any associated protection & general insurance. We’re here to hold your hand throughout the process, both now & in the future.

Our fees

Our fees

We’re upfront, open & honest – always. We’re not the cheapest and we’re certainly not the most expensive. We charge for our specialist advice & service – we’re upfront with this too.  This fee will be confirmed as soon as possible, prior to any work being carried out.

A typical fee for residential mortgages is currently £595.

Our dedication

We work with fee paying clients to allow us to dedicate more time to each individual case, to offer the best service possible.

Our expertise

We specifically focus our expertise on self-employed mortgages, so we help many people in the same situation as you.

Let us take the hassle out of the process

Arrange a free initial call with one of our advisers!